TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.10 (2024-01-23)
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.9 (2023-03-24)
- Allow batch analysis if more than one category has been selected
- Bug resolution when performing "Annual" analysis based on a selection of months
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.8 (2021-10-06)
- Dependency with the package 'lubridate' has been removed
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.7 (2021-05-28)
- Boxplot by months labelling has been adjusted
- Minor bugs correction
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.6 (2020-06-11)
- Now using the package "stlplus" insteed of stl for decomposition that allow missing values
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.5 (2019-11-25)
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.4 (2018-03-01)
- Automatically perform Seasonnal Mann Kendall test with correction for autocorrelated data (not with all available test of the package)
- Add custom choice for aggregation methods (sum, prod, any percentile etc.)
- Minor bugs correction
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.3 (2016-09-07)
- Possibility to import Dates with only years (yyyy)
- Dependency with the package 'wq' has been removed (package archived)
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.2 (2015-12-16)
- Improved graphics output
- Inappropriate data selection in regard of salinity column; corrected
- Minor bugs correction
- Code optimizations
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5.1 (2014-02-21)
- Minor bugs correction
- Minor code improvment
- Add a new graph with the option Detrend (Seasonality)
- Interface visually improvment
- Daily frequency analysis improvment
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.5 (2013-11-15)
- Correction of boxplot savepath bugs
- Correction of color scale bug on color.plot
- Save path naming has been improved
- Correction of mean time calculation between two samples when years and months are changed
- Change in the save path name to include the stations analysed
- Add barplot anomalies in the diagnostics panel
- Aggregate Station option in panel 2 has been removed
- Best aggregation method is estimated using an ANOVA with Dunnetts post hoc test instead
of Wilcoxon test
- Spectrum figure has been improved and is now interactive (like the cusum plot)
- Column fixed labels have been change (STATIONS -> Category; DATES -> Dates)
- Imported file must be a .txt instead of a .csv due to international variation in csv format
- Dates must be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd) instead of French one
- Figure resolutions and outputs have been improved
- Shaprio-Wilk normality test display also a Q-Q plot
- Possibility to direclty transform your data in Log10(x+1) from the interface
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.4
- Minor code updates
- Addition of two boxplot options allowing to display a boxplot by years (the original option) or a boxplot by months.
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.3
- Improved graphical interface: panel 5 (results) is no more a tab and is always visible; addition of icons.
- Months displays in the panel 2 are the ones present in the database and neither the 12 months by default.
- Correction of a bug affecting the saving path.
- Addition of the daily frequency for time series building: by default 366 days a year.
- Significant results of Kendall tests are displayed in bold.
- The interface asks for confirmation before its closure.
- If a lower or equal period of 1 year is selected to make test, a warning message is sent instead of making crashing the interface.
- Automatic scrolling towards the last results obtained.
- Update of the user guide.
- Correction of minor bugs and addition of minor improvments.
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.2
- Multi-OS compatibility improvments
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.1
- Minor bugs correction
- First submission to CRAN
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis 1.0 (2012-03-07)